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Mass Culture

Nowadays, culture has to get dispersed through the entire world through different cultural activities such as communication, media, music and art. Cultural values and ideas coming from common exposure in our society all come from a specific targeted medium; mass culture. (...)

Counter Culture

The term counter culture refers to a type of subculture for those whose values, beliefs and behaviors protest against the mainstream culture. Many major life changes have been the result of the counter culture's movement. (...)


Since the reception of my official diagnosis in 2014, I have heard many irrelevant comments about my Asperger’s syndrome, and autism in general. For example, a former social worker in Rimouski already told me that I should put more effort into integrating with my ‘neurotypical’ fellows (...)


There is in Quebec’s cinematic work, some creations standing out from the mass. For example in 1992, the Canadian film Léolo nominated at Cannes Film Festival for the Best Foreign Language Film.

The same can be said for a Quebec-made tv-show a production called Les Bougons, it earned great success. Both of these works are about rather large families living in Montreal but (...)

The Carnivalesque - Stallybrass & White

Stallybrass and White’s essay stems from Bakhtin’ thesis on the connection between the carnivalesque and bourgeois hysteria, which uses and develops the work of Freud with hysteria in the mid 1900’s. The instrumental role of carnival throughout history for different communities and its purpose are analyzed in Stallybrass and White’s essay, as well as the war on carnival, from its causes all the way to its results.  (...)


The Carnivalesque - Michael Bakhtin

When one hears the term “Carnival”, one immediately conceptualizes images of fairs, a large playground where family and friends may get together and have fun. A collection of people in costume who live only to entertain, where one can play games, eat, drink and be merry. The notion of the carnival as a time to let a person’s creativity and inner spirit run free, without restriction from authority (...)

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