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Ideological State Apparatus (ISA)-Louis Althusser

By Corinne Toullec

Althusser begins his essay in consenting to Marx's position on the reproduction of relations of production. He reiterates this concept and defines it as obligatory relations we must produce and reproduce to complete our social life. These reproduction of relations of production are indeed the connections created through our cultural development and educational paths in the society. These reproductions of relations of production are part of the functioning States Apparatuses in which we are used like objects by the State. The State Apparatus is characterized as "a force of repressive execution and intervention ‘in the interests of the ruling classes’ in the class struggle conducted by the bourgeoisie and its allies against the proletariat.'' (Althusser, 1970) Therefore, in this quote from Althusser's studies on State Apparatuses, he uses the term “intervention” which is a clue to the existence of two states apparatuses working dependently from one to another. The ideological intervention can be efficient with persuasive means, or it can be violent. So, on one hand we have the Ideological State Apparatus and on the other hand we have the Repressive State Apparatus. Before any description about the role of Ideological State Apparatus, I shall give you a definition of the word 'ideology'. According to Althusser, an ideology is “a matter of the lived relation between men and their world''. Ideology is also ''the system of the ideas and representation which dominate the mind of a man or a social group.'' Theses two definitions show how ideology is linked to the power of the state.


Through its Ideological State Apparatuses, the State can (the State does not always succeed) implant ideas and beliefs in our minds (WF) with help from the several institutions that are part of our everyday life. This coercion is used by the following institutions: the religious apparatus; the education apparatus; the family apparatus; the legal apparatus; political apparatus; the trade unions apparatus; the communications apparatus; cultural apparatus. Theses apparatuses are more or less exclaiming their attempts to transmit their ideology but some are certainly hiding their manipulation.


Our society is so thoughtfully organized by State that schools (public or private schools) were transformed to have the role of the Church as the main ideological apparatus. Thus, the purpose of the educational system changed to become the unique duty to transmit the ideology of the ruling class. The school apparatus traps students' minds in teaching them learning techniques and knowledges since pupils are taught unconsciously “rules of good behavior; rules of morality, and civic and professional consciousness which actually means the rules of resect for the socio-technological division of labour and ultimately the rules of the order established by the class domination” (Madhu, 1995). That statement specifies that from our childhood we have to fit in a mould the state has created for us. It is a sort of “training” which requires from us to put aside our convictions or the sort of rebellions we could have against the political, educational and capitalist system. The thing is we have to think in the way our culture requires us to because either we are victim of the Repressive State Apparatus or we can be ejected from the “surface” of the society. The RSA is compound of different components which power is centralized. The command comes from “political representatives of the ruling class in possession of the state power.”  So since the first individuals  affected by the Ideological States Apparatuses are young people, the principal way to take back the power is to change the average citizen's vision of society and use the power of the people to attack the State. The younger generations could use their ability of spreading ideas to build a strategy, a sort of ideological state apparatus, in their favor, so that youth could use the general average citizen as a state apparatus itself to fight the capitalist system.

Works Cited


  • Althusser, Louis. La pensée “Lenin and Philosophy” and Other Essays : Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuse'', 1970


  • Resh, Robert Paul.  Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory : Chapter 4-Ideology and social subjectivity, 1992




  • Madhu, T.V. Indian philosophical Quarterly Vol. XXII, No 4: Althusser's conception of ideology: a critical exposition, 1995.



  • Zizek, Slavoj. Mapping Ideology, 1994. p 114

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